ososoft Technische Solution Architektur 124242391

News & Events

Trade fairs & events

In 2024, we will again be represented at numerous trade fairs and events as exhibitors or participants and look forward to interesting discussions with customers, partners, applicants and employees. In addition to the trade fairs, our own events are of course not to be missed. The following events for 2024 have already been confirmed:

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SAP project support with AI

22 August 2024 - 5:00 p.m.

SAP project support with AI

– Experiences & current opportunities

22 August 2024 - 5:00 p.m.

In this practice-oriented webinar, we show how AI solutions such as ProcessBridge™ specifically support SAP projects. Using real examples, we demonstrate the use of AI in test case creation, documentation and training material generation. Participants learn what time and cost savings are realistic and how project quality improves. Our goal is to show the current potential of AI in SAP projects without exaggeration, but with a focus on the actual added value.

Register now for free.
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DSAG Annual Congress

15 – 17 October 2024

DSAG Annual Congress

15 – 17 October 2024

The DSAG annual congress is the highlight of the year for SAP users and experts. As a leading provider of innovative services and software solutions, we are proud to be part of this important event in Leipzig. Visit our stand and find out how we can advance your digital transformation projects. We look forward to your visit!

More information
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study&stay 2024

22 - 23 Oktober 2024

study&stay 2024

22 - 23 Oktober 2024

Auch in diesem Jahr sind wir wieder Teil der Jobmesse study&stay an der Universität in Würzburg. Am 22. & 23. Oktober habt ihr die Gelegenheit, uns persönlich kennenzulernen und spannende Karrierechancen zu entdecken. Bei uns warten attraktive Jobangebote im SAP-Bereich - ideal für alle, die ihre berufliche Zukunft in der IT-Branche starten oder ausbauen möchten. 

Und damit der Austausch besonders süß wird: unsere beliebte Candy Bar ist auch wieder mit dabei! Wir freuen uns auf interessante Gespräche und viele neue Gesichter. 

Unsere offenen Stellen
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DSAG trading days

26 – 27 August 2024

DSAG trading days
26 – 27 August 2024

The DSAG trade days are back and we're there too! On August 26th and 27th, the AK Trade 's current topics will be discussed in Darmstadt. The focus will be on "transformation, logistics, analytics, sales and customer experience" . The trade days offer participating retail companies the opportunity to exchange ideas about current industry trends and to network with one another.

More information
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CC Summit 24

05 – 06 June 2024


CC Summit 24
05 – 06 June 2024

For the second time, E3 magazine is holding a summit in Salzburg for the SAP community to gain comprehensive information on all aspects of S/4 Hana basic work. With an exhibition, specialist presentations and plenty of opportunities for discussion, we are expecting numerous existing customers, partners and experts in Salzburg.


Look forward to a gripping lecture on the topic:

Automated creation of procedural test cases, documentation and training materials.

More information
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News & Current Events

Stay up to date with the latest developments and innovations from the world of ososoft. Here you will find the latest news, exciting announcements and in-depth insights - you won't miss a thing on our news page.

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Rock the Race

24 August 2024 - Würzburg

Rock the Race

24 August 2024 - Würzburg

The OSOnic Runners successfully completed the 9th Rock the Race in Würzburg! - 7 km and 20 obstacles had to be overcome. Our 9 participants completed the course together as a team and supported each other along the way. Team spirit and fun were definitely the main focus here.

We are proud of our dedicated team and look forward to the next edition of Rock the Race!

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1. WVV Energy Company Run

20 June 2024 - Würzburg

1. WVV Energy Company Run

20 June 2024 - Würzburg

Running connects - We are part of the 1st WVV Energie company run in Würzburg

The 1st WVV Energy company run will start on June 20, 2024 in the Dallenbergbad in Würzburg. We will be there with around 20 runners and will run the 7.4 km route along the Main together. Afterwards, we will all meet for the winners' party in the Dallenbergbad and end the evening in good company. 


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Top sponsor of the Würzburg Baskets

24 August 2023

Top sponsor of the Würzburg Baskets
24 August 2023

In our ongoing effort to support the local community and strengthen our ties to the region, we are very excited to announce our new partnership with the Würzburg Baskets. As passionate supporters of the sport, we see this collaboration not only as an opportunity to promote sport in Würzburg, but also as a valuable way to become even more involved in the community.

Learn more
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