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EWM stock product copier

Simplified inventory maintenance

The EWM warehouse product copier was designed to make it easier to create multiple new products. This tool can be used to enter a large number of different products into the current inventory. Intelligent tracking modules efficiently prevent incorrect entries.

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  • icon benefit keine redundanten vorgaenge

    No more redundant processes necessary

    It is possible to store numerous storage products in just one operation.
  • icon benefit effiziente anlage lagerprodukt

    Efficient creation of new warehouse product master data

    Efficient creation of new warehouse product master data.
  • icon benefit optimierte bedienoberflaeche

    Optimized user interface

    Simple and intuitive interface for creating copy jobs.
  • icon benefit existenz plausibilitaetspruefungen

    Existence and plausibility checks of inputs

    Automatic and intelligent checking of user input to prevent duplicates and incorrect objects.
image Reinhold Gieß
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