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Architecture at a glance

Choosing an embedded or decentralized EWM solution is undoubtedly not trivial. Is 24/7 operation necessary? How should the master data be transferred? Below we will show you the advantages and disadvantages.

In addition, we will briefly examine the two application scenarios.

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SAP EWM in the Decentralized Scenario

SAP EWM is traditionally operated with its own system ID. If the productive ERP system is "P01", for example, the SAP EWM system has an example system ID of "EWP". Since these are two different systems, it is necessary to connect the systems to each other using SAP standard interfaces. For EWM versions that are based on the R/3 stack, the master data is transferred via CIF (Core Interface). The CIF interface is part of SAP APO. For newer EWM versions that are based on S/4 HANA, master data is transferred via ALE.

Master data is distributed to EWM initially or using a change pointer via the distribution model (transaction BD64). Transaction data is transferred from the SAP ERP system to the SAP EWM system and vice versa using qRFC (queued remote function call).

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SAP EWM as an embedded scenario

SAP EWM embedded is part of the S/4 stack. Basically, SAP EWM - like SAP WEM before it - is operated as an independent module within the ERP system. In the first versions of SAP EWM embedded, the interfaces were used exactly as in a decentralized connection - with the difference that the sender and receiver are the same logical system.

In more recent versions, these hard system boundaries are increasingly softened and, for example, redundant customizing is removed.

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ososoft recommends:

When designing the system, great care should be taken not to create any direct dependencies on the ERP system (e.g. a synchronous RFC from the EWM to the S/4 HANA system or similar). Logistics must be able to be productive for a certain period of time without the S/4 HANA system. Realistically, it must be acknowledged that this can only be a few hours at most. At the very least, the IM postings (WE, WE, etc.) generated by the SAP EWM in the ERP system cannot be permanently postponed.

EWM systems in comparison

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Decentralized solution

The advantages of a decentralized EWM connection lie primarily in the system's independence from the connected ERP system. In particular, if SAP MFS is to be used, the necessary response times for the telegrams can be achieved using a corresponding SAP EWM server landscape. In addition, in a decentralized scenario, SAP EWM is independent of maintenance windows of the connected SAP ERP system. Necessary downtimes of the ERP system can be planned and carried out independently of EWM. 24/7 (24 hours 7 days a week) operation is basically only possible with a decentralized SAP EWM.

image ososoft Leistungen sap s4hana sap ewm architektur im ueberblick dezentrale loesungen embedded system


The advantages of SAP EWM embedded lie primarily in the reduced complexity. The necessary interfaces to a decentralized system are no longer required. In addition, customizing is increasingly reduced in terms of redundancies (example: HU types). In operation, it is an advantage that only one system landscape needs to be maintained. This reduces transport routes, the number of systems to be monitored and the testing effort.

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ososoft recommends:

When programming in SAP embedded, make sure that you still use SAP EWM's own framework. SAP EWM provides the necessary ABAP objects to meet logistics requirements. Even if there is a temptation to "skim" a table that is not part of the module, this usually leads to subsequent problems.

image Reinhold Gieß
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